How we came to be...
Our Name: Honoring Margaret Skullnah and Continuing a Legacy at Skullnah Legal Services, PLLC.
The Namesake. . .
From the words of founder, Christine Mellick,
"I am immensely proud to name my law firm after my great-great-grandmother Margaret Skullnah (Adams). As a matrilineal culture, we take our name from our grandmothers. My Tupiyah died when my Dad was a child, but her influence on our family is massive. She is why we are alive and thriving.
Continuing the Legacy
My Dad found this newspaper clipping of my Tupiyah. The Eagle Feather Indian Woman's Club of Idaho was dedicated to educating Native American women so that we can educate non-Natives. I named my firm in her honor to continue her legacy. While I never met her, I hope to keep her memory alive as my father did for me."
Our Legal Counsel
Tribal law poses unique challenges requiring a knowledgeable and skilled attorney. While other law firms may provide a breadth of general legal services alongside Native American Law, Skullhah Legal Services provides the deep expertise those living and working in Indian Country deserve to ensure their rights are protected.
Our goal is to provide personal service along with the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate Native American law. We provide our clients one-on-one support every step of the way to ensure your individual and business rights are protected.